The first shot is an establishing shot that has little sound
with it. It is a tracking shot that shows us an off road car speeding through
grass in a rural environment. This create enigmas of who where and why. Coupled
with this is a shot of three people with bags over their heads in the back of
the land rover which shows us they are hostages of some kind.
The next shot is a man in front plane in a slightly low
angle shot. We see marine like men at the plane showing us he has money and he
has some power. He is dressed casually making us think that he doesn’t fight
much and gets other people to do it for him. He is waiting for the land rover
by the looks of it form the way the shots are put together.
The next shot shows the plane flying in the air over a large
rural place in an extreme long shot. This tells us they are alone in a large
area with nothing else near to them. The high angle shot has little sound as
the re is still a build up of something about to happen.
The next shot is a medium two shot of one of the hostage men
with his head being hung out of the plane with a gun on him for the casually
dressed man who we now see is an agent of some kind. This shot has he agent
threatening to shoot them and throw them out if they don’t give him information
on a masked man we hear of.
This next shot shows a medium long shot of everyone looking
at the last man who has said something to them. Even though he is not in the
position of obvious power we see there is something about him that makes him
look powerful and threatening more that the marines and the agent.
This shot shows us the masked man that the agent was looking
for and the lower half of the agents face in a over the shoulder two shot. This
makes the out of focus marines in the background look slightly nervous and
makes the masked man look powerful and intimidating.
This medium long shot is just after the plane is tiped by
another plane and we can see that the masked man who looked powerful in an
inferior position is now the superior one. This very low angle shot makes the
masked man look very powerful and in control.
This long shot shows blood being transferred for an
unapparent reason and crates a new enigma for us. It makes the man on the right
look inferior and very scared of the superior people on the left.
The last shot shows the masked man and the man who was
scared being carried while the other plane falls. This is a good shot because
is shows the rural empty land below and the masked man in power and control of
the situation from seemingly not at the start. This shows us how he works and
the strengths he processes.
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